Transporter 3

Missed one day. So today I'm gonna rate 2 movies.

Transporter 3 is a movie that everyone should avoid. It's so crap it's almost unwatchable. Jason Statham is still cool, but still not a good actor. The movie lacks fighting and chase scenes, and this is what it should be about... And the part with the lake.... Spoiler alert! But since you are not going to watch the movie I can "spoil it". So the thing is, if a car is sink in a lake it goes down to it's bottom, but if you let out the air from the tires into a balloon or some shit that is tied to the car, it suddenly starts to rise. WHAT THE FUCK? this pretty much ruined the already horrible movie.
Will I watch it again? No way.

IMDB rating: 5.9 (what the hell?)
My rating: 2

Transporter 3 on IMDB
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